My wife gave me these two hanger boxes for Christmas. I thought I'd share them with a pack war. Series 1 received 177 points.
Here's Series 2
Mr. Tiger
This one gets 15 points
9 Points
6 Points each
5 Points each
Great young player, great shot
Great young player, great shot
4 Points
4 Points
4 Points each
I love the photo and one is gold SN so 4 points each
I love the photo and one is gold SN so 4 points each
The rest of these are notable either for their careers or a good 2013. They get 3 points each.
There were 32 other cards in the box. They each get 1 point because they're cards.
That should be 186 Points for Series 2. That makes Series 2 the winner by a relatively small margin of 9 points. I know. I'm excited too.
Love that Kaline die-cut, nice looking card. Glad I didn't open that one, not a Red Sox card to be found in this post!