It's hard to believe but the well documented period in television history know as the Late Night Wars is now two decades in the past. This strange set included three of the top players. I guess you'd have to be at least in your mid thirties to remember how seriously they all took it. Do you remember? Did you/do you have a favorite? I'm a morning person so I've never watched a lot of late night TV. I really do remember watching Dave Letterman's morning show and was disappointed when it was cancelled. He'd still be my favorite. BTW, I hate his beard.
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Monday, December 20, 2021
Late Night Wars
Sunday, December 19, 2021
These Guys Are Not Oddballs (Maybe One) But the Cards Are
It never ceases to amaze me how many cards I've never seen. These are the athletes from a limited edition set of 30 cards published in 1993 by Freedom Press. Maybe if I was a collector of one of these six guys I would have discovered them long ago. I am curious to know if any of you are familiar with them. Do you own any of the cards? If so, why did you buy them?
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Dandy Daves and Davids
My name is David. Growing up that's all I ever remember being called. At some point in college that changed and I started going, in greater part, by "Dave". After that I reverted back and have always gone by the original. The funny thing is, lots of people, particularly acquaintances and people I see in my job, automatically call me Dave. Though I find it interesting, I really don't mind. I see it as a friendly nickname. I have no stories like that about all the guys below. You'd have to ask them.

In 2016, Hall of Famer Dave Keon was voted the greatest Maple Leaf of all time. He won four Stanley Cups in the 1960's. Um, they haven't won one since.
While maybe not quite Hall worthy, David Cone did have an outstanding career.