1962 Topps #200
Mickey Mantle was born on this date in 1931. Whether you're from New York or anytown USA, "The Mick" represents baseball in the 1950's.

Juan Marichal celebrates his 72nd birthday today. The "Dominican Dandy" was one of the elite pitchers of the '60's. He had six 20 win seasons out of 7 from 1963-69, including two years with 26 wins and one with 25. All told from 1960-69 Juan was 191-88, a.685 winning percentage.
Also born on this date:
Bela Lugosi was born in 1882.
Margaret Dumont, was born in 1889.
Margaret Dumont was the straightwoman in many of the great Marx Brothers movies. Here's a prime example:
Also born on this date, in 1890, was jazz great Jelly Roll Morton. I love the early jazz records of the 20's and 30's. For me jazz doesn't get any better.

Finally, Tom Petty turns 59 today.
Also born on this date:

Margaret Dumont was the straightwoman in many of the great Marx Brothers movies. Here's a prime example:
Also born on this date, in 1890, was jazz great Jelly Roll Morton. I love the early jazz records of the 20's and 30's. For me jazz doesn't get any better.

Finally, Tom Petty turns 59 today.
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