Monday, March 5, 2012

Do It Yourself COMC Packs #18/35 Celebrities

I recently had 8 months worth of Check Out My Cards purchases shipped.  I divided the 153 cards into 35 groups.  I like to think of these as hand picked "packs".   I'm posting them in random order.  "Pack" #18, five cards, was $3.49 including shipping.
Michelle has more hairstyles than the Oregon Ducks have uniforms but she's fun to watch.
I've been an Albert Brooks fan since the days of his short films on SNL back in the mid 1970's.  He recently published his first novel, "2030".  It's been well received by both critic and readers, including myself.
If you're not familiar with Pat Paulsen check him out on YouTube.
 Peterman!  This one was a whopping $1.80.
A tie-in with "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and the Cubs.  Yeppppp!


  1. Any chance I can pry MS. Beadle off your hands? I would *love* to have that card...

  2. Brooks was pretty gnarly in "Drive."
