Tuesday, July 4, 2023

An Endless Chain of Cars

 I love this card from the 1933 World's Fair, A Century of Progress, in Chicago.  

For those of us who are too young to remember Nash's and aren't car guys and gals here's a brief history of the company:

"The Nash Motor Company, founded in 1916, was an American automobile manufacturer known for its innovative designs and features. The company introduced numerous industry-firsts, including heating and ventilation systems and seat belts. Nash cars were renowned for their durability and comfort. In 1954, Nash merged with Hudson to form American Motors Corporation (AMC), which eventually became a part of the Chrysler Corporation in 1987."

Does the Nash Tower look familiar?  Carvana claims to have invented the automobile vending machine.  That may be technically true but the world saw the glass tower of moving colorful cars a full 80 years earlier!


  1. I'm too young to remember Nash cars. My first awareness of the brand was in hearing the old novelty song "Beep Beeb" (1950s or 60s) a Nash "Rambler" is the car that is attempting to pass the singer of the song.

  2. Whoa... that tower looks awesome! Tried to find video footage of it , but came up short. Super cool... and way ahead of their time though. As for Nash... I'm familiar with the name because they built that small car that was popular back in the 50's. I just did a Google search and the car I'm referring to is the Nash Metropolitan.

    1. There's probably some sort of Nash trading card out there.

  3. The tower looks a lot more impressive for 1933 than it does from a company in 2023.

    1. Just imagine being there in 1933. I guess that's part of the draw of World's Fairs. BTW (recent news not withstanding) where are the flying cars we were promised?😉
