Monday, February 1, 2016

More Cards from the "Shoebox" -- A Belated Thank You

This is a much overdue thank you post.  I received these cards from Shane of the famous "Shoebox Legends" before Christmas, I think.  Yikes!  Sorry.  I'm disorganized but not unappreciative.

In a package of cards dominated by hockey players it's appropriate that my favorite card is of a Canadian.  I've pretty much gotten over all the guys from the Lou Piniella era but I still have a fondness for pitcher/comedian Ryan Dempster.  I'm glad he's come back to the Cubs as a front office guy.
Always good to find a Greg Maddux.  Quiet excellence.
Talk about excellence.
Shiny Eddie the Eagle!
This guy was so good and then lost it.  Love the A&G borders.
Sorry, but BOOOO!
More Blackhawks.  I don't know if they'll win it all again this year but they are at the top of the Western Conference so they're obviously still one of the teams to beat.
Thanks for thinking of me Shane.


  1. No problem! Thought of you right away when I saw that Dempster at the last show I made it to in a dollar box.

  2. A Dempster auto for a dollar? I'd take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday!

  3. That Dempster is a nice-looking card... At first I thought it was a facsimile auto, but then I realized it's the real deal... and out of a dollar box! Gotta love cheap sigs!

  4. On the back of that Sosa card it looks like he learned helmet-wearing from Bartolo Colon.
