Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fan Pack Fun 2014 -- Toronto Blue Jays

Fan packs don't have to be large or expensive to be nice.  This is the first time the Blue Jays have sent one my way and I'm happy to have it.

The Blue Jays, new/old logo has always been one of my favorites, so seeing it on the envelope alone made me smile.

This is a two sided letter size fact sheet.  

Pocket Schedule

Sticker and Tattoo



  1. I seem to remember hearing somewhere that teams respond better to fan pack requests that are made outside of the website; maybe it's a little too easy for people to request them that way.

    I've been telling myself for years that I should request some of these, and I never do. Maybe the window of opportunity has closed on me...

  2. Where did you get it from ?
