Sunday, December 2, 2012

Topps 2012 WWE or I Guess I'm a Trading Card Addict

Let me say for the record that I am not a wrestling fan. The last time I watched a complete match on TV it probably involved The Crusher, Dick the Bruiser, or Verne Gagne. So why did I buy two packs of these cards?  Curiosity? Novelty?  Addiction?  Fun? Yes.  Anyways, I've got to admit I'm less disappointed than I've been with some packs of baseball cards.  I got cards of guys named Sheamus, Ezekiel and Big Show and  Kelly Kelly certainly brightens up the pack.  I even got a 1:6 packs insert card featuring a match that took place in my home town, Chicago.  Have a look.


  1. I agree with you totally on the lame packs of baseball cards lately.

    Although the Topps Gold cards in this year's Update might be the best looking gold set ever done by Topps.

    I love any cards, quite frankly.

    I remember opening about 30 boxes of 1991 Pro Set soccer back in 2000 or 2001. They were $1.00 a box and I had no clue what to look for but I sure had fun plowing through all that wax. Learned a bit about soccer and learned that I was totally happy ripping anything card related.

    It's all fun.

    By the way, Mason Ryan is scary.

  2. I'm really glad Topps makes wrestling cards today. Wrestling isn't as rich on cardboard as baseball, football, hockey or basketball, but they sure do maintain the overall fun factor! Nice couple of packs. Hope to see more!
