Monday, July 16, 2012

Blow Out the Candles July 16

Detroit Lions great Barry Sanders is celebrating his 44th birthday today.

I'm a Bears fan so I'm partial to Walter Payton but if I wasn't I might give the nod to Barry as the best running back I've ever seen.  I certainly recall him running through the Bears defense.
Even Samurai Mike can't catch him.

Where do you rank Barry Sanders?

Shoeless Joe Jackson was born in Pickens County, SC on this date in 1887.
"God knows I gave my best in baseball at all times and no man on earth can truthfully judge me otherwise."
"Jackson's fall from grace is one of the real tragedies of baseball. I always thought he was more sinned against than sinning."
-- Connie Mack

"What a hell of a league this is. Ah hit .387, .408, and .395 the last three years and Ah ain't won nothin' yet!"
"When I was up there at the plate, my purpose was to get on base anyway I could, whether by hitting or by getting hit."
Ty and Joe 
"I ain't afraid to tell the world that it don't take school stuff to help a fella play ball."
 "I copied Jackson's style because I thought he was the greatest hitter I had ever seen, the greatest natural hitter I ever saw. He's the guy who made me a hitter."-- Babe Ruth
"Everything he hit was really blessed. He could break bones with his shots. Blindfold me and I could still tell you when Joe hit the ball. It had a special crack."
-- Ernie Shore

Screen legend Ginger Rogers was born in Independence, Missouri on this date in 1911.
 1934 Player Fim Stars #38

Comedian Will Ferrell is celebraing his 45th birthday today.

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