Sunday, January 15, 2012

Song for a Sunday Night

If you follow this blog you know that I like doing birthday posts.  A lot of the celebrities I highlight whether from the sports world or other realms are long gone legends.  Many though are people I started following in my youth and since that youth is pretty far in the past  many of them are getting --well,  pretty old.  Thinking about this reminded me of Old Friends, a song by Paul Simon from the 1968 Simon and Garfunkel album, Bookends.  The song was recorded when Paul and Artie were around 26 or 27.  Last fall they both turned 70.

Old friends, old friends,
Sat on their parkbench like bookends
A newspaper blown through the grass 
Falls on the round toes
of the high shoes of the old friends

Old friends, winter companions, the old men
Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sunset
The sounds of the city sifting through trees
Settle like dust on the shoulders of the old friends

Can you imagine us years from today,
Sharing a parkbench quietly
How terribly strange to be seventy

Old friends, memory brushes the same years,
Silently sharing the same fears

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