Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Garage Sale Packs #11

I short while back I bought a bunch of 20-25 card packs (sealed ziplocks) at the local garage sale.  Each one was just 25 cents and I could see two cards.  I've been opening them one at a time and posting my favorites here.  I realize that I'm not going to get any "mojo hits" but so far I've had a lot of fun with them.

Pack eleven had 24 cards --13 baseball, 3 football and 8 basketball.

Paulie had another great year and is four shy from 400 home runs.
Interesting tidbit about the "congenital hip condition".

Lovem or hatem he's 14-2 in the postseason and was outstanding for the D-backs.
Cover first base, Kevin!
I like a happy ballplayer.  "They say play ball not work ball."

"He's called Whispers by his teammates."
It's KC Royals great Frank White
Cards of players signing are always nice.  Donovan's signing a glove.
Looks like Sabo's in a rundown.
Those crazy glasses!

Kiki's Mom was Miss America 1952, Colleeen Kay Hutchins.

I just love the whole Grizzlies thing going on here.  Give me some teal!

Chris Mullin-- Hall of Fame for basketball --Hall of Fame for hair
Why it's another Hall of Famer-- Patrick Ewing
Gotta have at least one football card.
Um, this is unusual.

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