Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fan Pack Fun 2011 -- Chicago Fire

Here's the first of two fan packs I've received so far from MLS teams.  Appropriately it's from my hometown Chicago Fire and it's pretty nice.

This is a little spiral notebook a a plastic cover.
Window decal
2 three packs

This is surely one of the more unusual items I've received in a fan pack.  Bam!Bam!


  1. I'm looking to get one from the Chicago Fire. What email did you use to ask for one?

    1. It's been a while but I'm sure I used their website. Also, I think the next year I requested a fan pack and was told they had none. Good luck.

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    4. Okay Thanks. I was using this website but I'm not sure if its the real deal on the way to contact the team. But thanks for the info. And also, I sent one to DC United, New England Revolution and Boston Red Sox so far, how long did you have to wait until your received it.

    5. I was referring to the contact info at the Fire website, Not sure about the one you're using. I've always gone through each team's site. BTW DC United sends one of the best fan packs out there. I've received two full length winter scarves, albiet with VW logos, among other items. The Sox send a standard package that includes a little bit of Fenway dirt. Times vary, sometimes within a week sometimes a few months. I've yet to send any out this year because I've been moving the last two months.

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  2. Do you know of any other teams that send good fan packs? I'm looking to get some from teams. And they are all free right? Thanks for the help. Its my first time that I'm asking for fan packs.
