Friday, August 26, 2011

From the Vault -- Pictures from Wrigley 2

Back in the day I went to a number of Cubs games with my Canon FTb equipped with a telephoto lens.

The camera looked like this:

The lens looked something like the one below.  It's a fixed focal length of 400 mm, no zoom.  

The whole setup was very heavy and cumbersome.  

After all these years I thought it would be fun to share some of my pictures here. Keep in mind that this was back in the days of film and the photos were scanned on my $50 scanner.  Hopefully they look OK.  Click to enlarge them. 

One of the things that makes Wrigley Field special is the old manual scoreboard.  Here are three pictures from the same game as the Perez-LaCock from the previous post.

 Cubs fans could play, "What's Changed", here.  As much as Wrigley has stayed the same over the years, there are some differences.  Anybody want to play?  This shot is from before the game started.   The clock says, 1:10 and the grounds crew is watering the infield.  I've always liked the hour or two before the game.
Here's a nice look at the scoreboard taken during the Cub's half of the second inning.  I'll confess to not knowing off the top of my head who #20 was.  The good news is, there are already three runs in.

I have to blame the bad framing on this one on the long lens.  Note that this must be a weekday as all the other games are "being played under the lights."


  1. I love these pictures. I have some "old times" pictures on my site, but nowhere near as clear as these.
    So the game is 8/10/76. #20 is Mighty Mick Kelleher who went 2-3 with 2 rbi's.
    Ray Burris with a save from Bruce Sutter beat Gary Nolan.

  2. Thanks for doing the research, John. You left out the day of the week, though. It was a Tuesday. I'm not Rain Man. I just looked it up. :)

  3. I'll play.....The most obvious change would be the bleacher expansion and the batters eye suite where the green AstroTurf is. Also check out the rooftops across the street; not a seat in sight. Two things with the scoreboard: no message board underneath and the Cubs and Sox games are the middle game, now they are on the bottom. These pictures are great...keep them coming!

  4. Nostalgia maybe but the over-commercialization of the rooftops bugs me. It was fun when the neighbors and their friends watched the games from across the street. Bleachers on top of new buildings -- not so much. Agree?

  5. I'm with you 100%. The rooftops are for the guys with a couple lounge chairs and an Igloo cooler full of Old Style...and a couple girlfriends with halter tops.

  6. If it helps jog memories, I took a handful of pictures of the outfield when I was at the game on Memorial Day.
