Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 Patch Cards

My first thought on Topps 2010 manufactured patches was "they're not real so who needs them".  Now that I have a handful of them I've changed my mind.  I think they're pretty cool.

I pulled this from a pack earlier in the year.  Good luck with the Iron Pigs, Ryno.

I just pulled this one from a rack pack that was a Christmas gift.

These three were from my last COMC semi-annual mega shipment, my Christmas gift to myself.

I'm interested in knowing your opinions on these.  Like, dislike, take or leave them?


  1. I like #1,3,4, but 2 and 5 don't really interest me

  2. I happen to be a fan of the manu patches and have a few in my collection. There were also the ones Upper Deck put out several years back that were nice too. I just take them as thick fancy inserts.

  3. At the risk of repeating myself:

    These look like cards you find in the Yarn Barn. The Yarn Barn and cards should never mix.

  4. I guess I've got to find me a Yarn Barn!
