Monday, November 22, 2010

Card of the Day -- Too Cliche?

This was  2 time Cy Young award winner Brett Saberhagen's first year in New York.    Maybe the apple thing is cliche but it beats another shot of a pitcher delivering the ball to home plate.

 1992 Upper Deck #751

This comment was on The Ultimate Mets Database:

April 19, 2005
"I went to Jr. High School with Bret. My best friend Lisa had a HUGE crush on him and gave me the job of giving this poor embarrassed boy a pair of striped toe socks. Remember those horrible things? He just laughed and turned red. I remember that I use to call him Sabertooth. He was a really cute guy and very sweet as a young man. Little did I know..."


  1. I assume she just means "little did I know he would become a famous baseball player".
