Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Don't Always Buy Logoless Products But When I Do...

I'm on the record as not being in love with logoless products.  Unfortunately for me it's the only way to add new cards to my Ron Santo collection.  This one came up recently on Ebay and it was paired with another relic card from 2002.  The relatively low starting price and added value enticed me to begrudgingly bid.  As the only bidder I did win.  Obviously.  Here in all its glory is Hall of Famer Ron Santo wearing his plain blue hat (I'm assuming it's blue). To its credit it is a fairly attractive card, has a nice writeup and is serial numbered.

I did already have one of these but just one and this one has stitching.  
The white smudge at the bottom right is a scanning artifact.


  1. Stitching on the relic. Cool. I like the blue swatch, too.

  2. I'm with you on unlicensed cards generally speaking, but I do agree that that's a nice looking relic regardless.

  3. I too have resigned myself to getting unlicensed cards as a way to fill the collection. One thing with the top card. It says "Chicago Professional Baseball Club, Established 1902." The Cubs were established in 1876 and the White Sox in 1900. I wonder where they got 1902?

    1. I found this on the Cubs official website:
      "March 27, 1902: Chicago Daily News becomes first-known entity to pen "Cubs" nickname as team moniker."

  4. Shouldn't a card called Hats Off, show the player with their hat off?

    1. It would certainly take away one more logo. Then again Santo's hair was kind of lacking. Hey, I've got an idea.-- a Ron Santo relic card with a hair from his "gamer" toupee!
