Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hello there, Mr. Froggy!

A good excuse to feature two of my favorite old school Muppets:

Here's another recent addition to my vintage non-sports collection.  It's currently my only one from the 96 card, 1954 Bowman Power for Peace set.

From the same year as the card


  1. That is just awesome! Solid random addition to your collection right there.

  2. "My daddy was a prominent frogman, my mama's in the Naval Reserve
    When I was young I carried a gun but I never got the chance to serve
    I did not serve."

    Simon & Garfunkel references aside, I would like to make two statements:
    1) That is a fine piece of vintage cardboard
    2) If anyone ever produced an all-ages Muppet card set, I would be all over it. "Muppet Heritage", anyone?

  3. "They call me Baby Driver". I agree with #2. The Muppets are coming back to TV this fall, BTW, although as a mockumentary rather than a variety show.
