Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I went to Target the other day to pick up some necessities and couldn't resist buying a pack of Big Bang Theory cards for $2.49.  It falls into the "I like variety" category.  I do like the show but I'm what you would call a casual viewer.  Where I live it seems to always be on and it just sort of happened.  I've still never gone out of my way to watch a new episode.  So here's the pack:

 OK, what the fuck!  I paid 50 cents for a card full of white spaces and numbers?  That's just wrong.  Does anyone actually use one of these?  I hope this pack gets better.

 I know this episode.  Sheldon can't open the door to his office and Leonard refuses to help.  The "he's a lamb" refers to Raj who didn't hesitate to open it.

Love the slogan.

 I don't think I've seen this one.
This is an insert, I guess.  I haven't seen this episode either.

Well, other than the checklist ripoff this was a fun pack.  I don't think I'd buy a bunch but may one or two more.  I'll share if I do.


  1. I almost bought a pack of these the other day. I guess it was because I'm done buying Series 1 and in the "Hell no, I'm NOT buying any Heritage" club(I might be the only one in that club, btw.

    1. Aftering seeing what's been posted so far I think I'll be joing your no Heritage club myself. Maybe I'll look for some orignals instead because I do like the look of the design.

  2. A friend of mine brought in a pack for our secretary and me. I received a "Sheldon's Red Shirt" GU card. That's the first time I've ever received a GU in a non-sports pack.
