Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jon Lovitz at Wrigley

The Cubs are in a rain delay against the Pirates at Wrigley with the Cubs batting in the bottom of the seventh.  I just wanted to give kudos to comedian Jon Lovitz.  He sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and I'd nominate his rendition for best of the year.  If you watch the games on WGN or WGN America you know that the guest singer also appears with Len Casper and Bob Brenly during the bottom of the inning.  The results  (as they are with the singing) are sometimes OK, sometimes painful and sometimes awesome.  Today falls into the latter category.  Lovitz was funny but also showed off his knowledge of baseball and was super respectful.  Len and Bob just let Lovitz do his thing and it was fun.

Who's been your favorite guest on a baseball broadcast?

This is Lovitz throwing out the first pitch a couple of years ago.  In that case he bounced the ball in.  Today he made it a point to lob it in higher and threw a strike (at least I'd call it one).

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