Saturday, September 17, 2011

From the Vault -- Pictures from Wrigley 11 -- Hollywood All-Stars 1

I have a bunch of pictures from a meeting between the Hollywood Allstars and a group of Cubs oldtimers.  I think they played before the Cubs-Dodgers game on May 29, 1982.

Some of the participants are more recognizable than others.

Could that be Santo behind Holtzman?  I don't think I have any other shots with him for some reason.  Somebody just cracked up Glenn Beckert.
It's Epstein!

Does Jose Cardenal want a red hot?

More to come!


  1. My favorite pics so can get photos of Perez and Boone and Schmidt etc anywhere...not to say I don't appreciate those posts, too. But these are pretty rare. Love it.
