Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is this Ebay Seller Kidding?

Fans of Craigslist idiots check this out.

I found it on Ebay today. In case you think the price is a misprint, check out his other items.

I just sent him a note asking if he was joking.


  1. At least he's offering free shipping.

  2. OMG what is this guy thinking???

  3. I was looking for a Greg Walker....think I'll bid....

  4. You have to wonder why these people do this... is it to gather attention on blogs and forum threads? Maybe it's to get people to check out their other items? Or could they be praying someone will accidentally bid on their item? Anyway you look at it... it's tomfoolery.

    Btw... Tony... I can really use card #570 for my Tony Gwynn PC. Maybe you and I should buy this together and split the lot... instead of getting into a major bidding war. PM me if you're interested.

  5. The Dave Valle looks off center...I'm only gonna offer $299.99

  6. If ONE CARD for a guy who hasn't even played a game yet can go for $16,000, then anything's possible.

  7. How much does a set of 89 Topps book for? $10?

  8. Four lots ended today. No sales. Not a surprise. He did not respond to my question.
