Thursday, August 25, 2011

From the Vault -- Pictures from Wrigley

Back in the day I went to a number of Cubs games with my Canon FTb equipped with a telephoto lens.

The camera looked like this:

The lens looked something like the one below.  It's a fixed focal length of 400 mm, no zoom.  

The whole setup was very heavy and cumbersome.  

After all these years I thought it would be fun to share some of my pictures here. Keep in mind that this was back in the days of film and the photos were scanned on my $50 scanner.  Hopefully they look OK.  Click to enlarge them. 

Here's one with two Hall of Famer's.  One is in the baseball Hall of Fame.  The other is in a sort of unofficial Hall of Fame.  


  1. Tony Perez and Pete LaCock!! Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures from this era.

  2. Very nice, can't wait to see some more of these.

  3. Very cool...can't wait to see what else you have!

  4. Pretty nice shot! I know you've uploaded more photos recently. I hope you have more to share.
