Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blow Out the Candles April 24

Artist Willem de Kooning was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands on this date in 1904.
“Once, after finishing a picture, I thought I would stop for awhile, take a trip, do things -- the next time I thought of this, I found five years had gone by.”
"Nature then, is just nature. I admit I am very impressed with it. The attitude that nature is chaotic and that the artist puts order into it is a very absurd point of view, I think. All that we can do for is to put some order in ourselves. When a man ploughs his field at the right time, it means just that."
 Two Women with Still Life 1952
 Gotham News 1955
Excavation 1950
“I don't paint to live, I live to paint.”

Actress and author Shirley MacLaine is celebrating her 77th birthday today.

My wife and I watch "The Apartment" at least once a year.

Shirley is also a best-selling author.  I read both these books when they came out in the 1980's.  
 My hardcover copy from 1985

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