Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stormy Weather

Have you ever bought a card because you saw it posted on someone else's blog?

I think this was the card I saw on someone's blog a couple of weeks ago.  Unfortunately I can't find the blog.  Anyway, I'm a sucker for a great nickname and a nice vintage card so I went a-looking for my own.  I didn't get this one exactly but did find this one:

It's the same image but from the previous year's set (1940).  I'ts B&W but I like the extended nickname.

If you're the one who turned me on to Stormy, thanks.

PS  Thanks to Crinkly Wrappers who was my inspiration.


  1. I don't think I have, but those '96 Topps Laser cards from one of you previous posts are certainly candidates.

  2. I posted Stormy sometime last week. Its a fantastic name, on a great old card.
